IPkib - Get IP Address

Get the IP address of anyone using a link. Share the link with the target and then get the target's IP address on Discord using webhook.

Developed by Sigmakib
IPkib GitHub

Before You Use

We, as the creators of this tool, would like to emphasize that our intention behind its development is purely for educational purposes. The tool is designed to provide insights into IP addresses and device information, which can be helpful for learning and understanding networking concepts. However, we strongly condemn any illicit or malicious activities that may violate the law or infringe upon the privacy and security of others.

We wish to make it explicitly clear that this tool should never be used for any form of cybercrime or unauthorized access to computer systems, networks, or personal data. Any misuse of this tool is entirely against our principles, and we distance ourselves from any such activities.

When using this tool, you, the user, must act responsibly and within the bounds of the law. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

Legal Compliance: Ensure that you comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding internet usage and data privacy. Unauthorized access or intrusion into someone's computer system is illegal and can lead to severe consequences.

Consent: Always obtain explicit consent from the target person before attempting to gather any information about them. Using this tool without proper consent is a breach of privacy and is unacceptable.

Ethical Use: Utilize this tool solely for educational purposes, legitimate network analysis, or understanding how IP addresses and device information function in the context of networking.

Non-Harmful Intent: Refrain from using this tool with the intent to cause harm, defraud, or engage in any form of cyberbullying or harassment.

Responsible Disclosure: If you discover any potential vulnerabilities or weaknesses while using this tool, we encourage you to report them responsibly to the affected parties or the tool's developers.

By proceeding with the use of this tool, you acknowledge and accept the responsibility to act ethically and legally. The creators of this tool disclaim any liability for any misuse or inappropriate actions taken by users.

Remember, responsible usage of technology promotes a safer and more secure digital environment for everyone. Let's contribute positively to the technological landscape and use our knowledge to empower and protect others.

Test This API With Your Discord Webhook